Cognition and Learning Secondary Outreach Service

The North Northants Secondary Outreach Service is funded by the LA and delivered by consultants from Better Together Learning Trust.

There is no direct cost to the schools.

The overall purpose of the secondary outreach service for North Northants is:

  • To work with leadership teams to support the Secondary Schools with the strategic direction and development of support for students with cognition and learning difficulties.
  • To support in providing clarity on the North Northants picture of cognition and learning needs across the authority and address the cognition and learning needs for now and the future.
  • To support and develop the mainstream offer and reduce the number of cognition and learning students needing a specialist place.
  • To support the reduction of permanently excluded students and raise attendance.
  • To develop the skills and practices of mainstream staff to ensure they can meet the needs of students with cognition and learning difficulties.
  • To reduce the need for change of provision, specialist places and reduce the numbers of tribunals.
  • To support the implementation and embedding of the graduated approach to ensure consistency across the North of the County.

Better Together Learning Secondary Outreach Consultants

Support staff in response to requests for individual students:

  • Work with staff to support the development of strategies and provision to improve attendance, progress and outcomes for students referred with cognition and learning difficulties.
  • Provide support to the school over a period of approximately 12 weeks. During this time implemented strategies and provision for the student are monitored. Next steps are evaluated, planned and agreed with the school. In certain situations, requests for additional support can be made to extend the time therefore providing continuous support.

Staff from the school requesting support should be committed to engaging with consultants from BTLT, sharing strategies and plans with staff teams as appropriate.

Please download complete and return the relevant request for support, and consent forms to

Please note that the consent form has to be handwritten / signed in order for us to accept.

The more detailed information / supporting documents that we receive with your request for support, the better; in particular, evidence from professionals that have been involved.

Receipt of request for support is acknowledged within 2 working days. A member of the Outreach Team then contacts the school to identify a suitable date for the initial visit.

Our office is always happy to answer any questions or queries Email:

Support Senior Leaders with whole school development to meet the needs of their cognition and learning students:

  • Consultants work with School / MAT Leaders over an agreed period to develop and implement a strategic plan for sustainable whole school solutions to address the needs and provision for students with cognition and learning within their settings.
  • Planning, Training and Development provided is bespoke to the context and needs of the school.